☁️ What are Cloudflare Workers, and Why use Them? #
We’ll start this post on using Cloudflare Workers in Rust by having a quick look at what workers are. Next we’ll see why you might want to write Cloudflare Workers in Rust. Then we will build out a full serverless function which you can use for verifying front-end web users with hCaptcha. If that sounds exciting, then let’s crack on!

Cloudflare Workers provide a way to run serverless code with a free tier. Serverless means you do not have to provision and maintain the server yourself. The provider scales up capacity as and when needed. Cloudflare workers are akin to Netlify serverless functions but work differently. They start up quicker than other serverless solutions. Have you been to a quiet terminal in a small airport which has escalators that only start up when they detect a user wants to step on? This is kind of how most serverless environments work. You have to wait a moment as the server spins up and is ready to process your request, just like it takes the escalator a moment to start moving. Cloudflare workers are like escalators at a busy airport, they are always running, ready for someone to step on.
What Makes Workers Fast? #
Workers are intrinsically faster because there is no startup time. You just drop your code (as an isolate ) into a WebAssembly context capable of running hundreds of other isolates simultaneously, and it runs straight away. They run almost three times faster than Lambda functions . The Cloudflare network itself helps in reducing running time, with the request arriving quick at your endpoint. Cloudflare Workers run on the V8 WebAssembly engine.
On a free tier account, you can run the worker up to 10ms. Although that might sound quite stingy, I found no issues running hCaptcha requests in this time. Here’s some output from the dashboard, showing CPU time per execution. I was running three Supabase queries on each request, as well as the hCaptcha verification on the most intensive requests here:

🔥 Why Write Cloudflare Workers in Rust instead of JavaScript? #
Native Rust support has only just been introduced into Cloudflare Workers , which is pretty exciting! Rust is a modern language which offers best-in-class speed with low resource usage . Typically, it runs faster than JavaScript (partly) because it is compiled ahead of time, so does not need to be interpreted at runtime. One drawback is that this comes with the trade-off of development being slightly slower, as each change has to be compiled before it can be tested. Rust also assists in writing more secure code than many other languages. This security also comes at a cost, as the compiler has to perform some extra checks.
Finally, any crates you use with Rust Workers need to be able to compile to Web Assembly Language (WASM). It’s not all doom and gloom, as the speed and security offer significant potential over JavaScript. You can also compile C or C++ into WASM, so might consider using those as alternatives to Rust and JavaScript in Workers.
🧱 What we’re Building: Serverless hCaptcha Verification #
hCaptcha offers a similar service to Google reCAPTCHA. Both of these services are designed to give you some confidence that the user interacting with your site is actually a person and not a bot. As an example, you might use hCaptcha on a contact form to filter responses submitted by bots. When the user submits the form, code running in the background will ask the user to complete a challenge. On successful completion of the challenge, we can let the user complete the form submission.
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There are two parts to the verification process. In the browser, your code will submit the challenge response to hCaptcha with your site key. hCaptcha replies with a response key. That response key is needed in the second part. The second part is usually performed on a server. We will be using Rust Cloudflare Workers though to verify serverlessly (if that’s a word)! We’ll focus on that second part here. So we will need to listen for a verification request from our site, on a route we provide. Then we contact hCaptcha with our secret key and the user response key. If hCaptcha than verifies the user is a not a bot, we can proceed with processing the requested action. This might be sending an email to a site admin with the submitted contact form details.
Now we know what we’re doing, why don’t we set up out worker environment?
🗳 Poll #
🧑🏽🎓 How to Get Started Using Rust Cloudflare Workers #
Preliminaries #
We’ll start by setting up our dev environment, before creating,
deploying and testing our worker. You can follow along even if you are new to
Rust, I will provide a little extra explanation to help here. If you
don’t already have Rust dev tools set up, just head over to the official Rust site for the recommended one-line terminal
command to get that up and running. Also, include ~/.cargo/bin
in your PATH environment variable (see previous link).
installation #
installation #
Cloudflare have developed wrangler
; a command
line interface (CLI) tool written in Rust to assist in worker development.
Official documentation suggests installing wrangler with npm
. I got on better using cargo
from the Rust toolchain.
I’ll show you that way, but keen to hear your feedback on which works best
for you.
OK, let’s install wrangler
with cargo (the
Rust package manager):
cargo install wrangler
this will take a few minutes to download all the dependencies needed and then
build wrangler
. Alternatively, use npm as per the official documentation .
That’s the environment set up. Next we’ll create our project.
⚙️ Creating a new Project for Using Rust Cloudflare Workers #
Firing up a new project is as simple as using the command below.
wrangler generate --type=rust hcaptcha-serverless-rust-workercd hcaptcha-serverless-rust-worker
Ignore any errors about the recommended type. The command creates all the boilerplate we need. Let’s have a quick look through the generated files.
Project Structure #
.├── CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md├── Cargo.lock├── Cargo.toml├── LICENSE_APACHE├── README.md├── src│ ├── lib.rs│ └── utils.rs└── wrangler.toml
- the usual Cargo configuration file. Cargo is Rust’s package manager and we list any project crates (dependencies) in here. -
: this is the file that does our heavy lifting. We will define the hCaptcha verification function in here and create a route we can send verification requests to from our client front end. -
- a worker configuration file, we can list environment variables in here (like you might do in a.env
file in a JavaScript project). There is a different mechanism for handling secret variables which we will come to later.
Initial Test #
Let’s test the example code out before continuing and adding our own code. The first time we build will take a little longer as we have to compile all the crates from scratch. Let’s do it now:
wrangler build
You should get a message saying ✨ Build completed successfully!
once complete. Next, we will link the worker to our Cloudflare account. If you
don’t yet have a Cloudflare account, you can set one up for
free .
Now open the Cloudflare dashboard , logging in if necessary.
Linking Local Environment to your Cloudflare Account #
Once you have logged in, in the Terminal in our project folder type the command:
wrangler login
Answer “yes” to open the link in your browser. You will need to
accept the prompt to be able to use wrangler to create your worker. Back in
the Terminal, you will see a message telling you wrangler is successfully
configured (if everything went well). The command creates a .wrangler
folder. Be sure to add this to your .gitignore
file, so it is not committed if you push your project to GitHub.
We are all ready to fire up the example code now! The final command in the launch sequence is:
wrangler dev
This is pretty much like the dev environment when working on a Next, Node, or
SvelteKit app. When you make changes, the code will automatically compile and
create an updated version of the binary. By default, wrangler dev serves the
worker at
Environment Variables #
Let’s see what we can do! Jump to src/lib.rs
49 .get("/worker-version", |_, ctx| {50 let version = ctx.var("WORKERS_RS_VERSION")?.to_string();51 Response::ok(version)52 })
This block defines a route /worker-version
responds to GET
requests. In line 50
we reference the WORKERS_RS_VERSION
You can see this is defined in line 8
of wrangler.toml
. You can create your own variables there and use them in your code in the
same way. Let’s test our worker. Go to
in your browser. This won’t be the most exciting web page you look at
today! Nonetheless, it contains the defined variable.

You have successfully tested your first Rust Worker! Next, let’s code up our hCaptcha endpoint.
🖥 Coding up our Rust Cloudflare Worker #
First, we will need a function to process the request sent from our client
website and interact with hCaptcha, verifying the user for us. Add the
following to src/lib.rs
16 async fn verify_captcha(client_response: &str, secret: &str, sitekey: &str) -> Option<bool> {17 let mut map = HashMap::new();18 map.insert("response", client_response);19 map.insert("secret", secret);20 map.insert("sitekey", sitekey);21 let client = reqwest::Client::new();22 let response = match client23 .post("https://hcaptcha.com/siteverify")24 .form(&map)25 .send()26 .await27 {28 Ok(res) => res,29 Err(_) => return None,30 };31 match response.json::<HcaptchaResponse>().await {32 Ok(res) => Some(res.success),33 Err(_) => None,34 }35 }
Here we get the client response key and our secret site key as inputs to the
function and return a boolean wrapped in an Option. Options are a Rust feature
which allow us to return a “nothing” variable in the case
something went wrong — so we can return true
or false
results) if we get a regular response from hCaptcha and None
if we get an error or can’t reach the server for some reason. Lines 17
– 20
build up the query
string for our hCaptcha request. We send that in lines 21
– 25
hCaptcha JSON Response Struct #
hCaptcha will respond with a JSON object. Because Rust is a strongly typed language we need to let the compiler know what types the hCaptcha response variables are.
We can do that using the HCaptchaResponse
used in line 31
. Let’s define the struct
16 // Expected response17 // {18 // "success": true|false, // is the passcode valid, and does it meet security criteria you specified, e.g. sitekey?19 // "challenge_ts": timestamp, // timestamp of the challenge (ISO format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ)20 // "hostname": string, // the hostname of the site where the challenge was solved21 // "credit": true|false, // optional: whether the response will be credited22 // "error-codes": [...] // optional: any error codes23 // "score": float, // ENTERPRISE feature: a score denoting malicious activity.24 // "score_reason": [...] // ENTERPRISE feature: reason(s) for score.25 // }26 #[derive(Deserialize)]27 struct HcaptchaResponse {28 success: bool,29 }
We only use the success
field from the response,
though we have the other variables listed in a comment here for reference.
See the hCaptcha docs for more on the verification processes and additional data sent in the response .
Setting up Crates #
You might notice we used the reqwest
crate here to contact hCaptcha (equivalent functionality to fetch
or axios
in the JavaScript world). We need to include the crate in our Cargo.toml
file for our code to work:
13 [dependencies]14 cfg-if = "0.1.2"15 reqwest = { version = "0.11.10", features = ["json"]}16 worker = "0.0.9"17 serde = "1.0.136"18 serde_json = "1.0.74"
Also, add the serde
crate, which we need too. Now
we are missing a route to receive hCaptcha requests from our client front end on.
Update the main
function, replacing the routes
we no longer need:
52 #[event(fetch)]53 pub async fn main(req: Request, env: Env, _ctx: worker::Context) -> Result<Response> {54 log_request(&req);5556 // Optionally, get more helpful error messages written to the console in the case of a panic.57 utils::set_panic_hook();5859 // Optionally, use the Router to handle matching endpoints, use ":name" placeholders, or "*name"60 // catch-alls to match on specific patterns. Alternatively, use `A;Router::with_data(D)`A; to61 // provide arbitrary data that will be accessible in each route via the `A;ctx.data()`A; method.62 let router = Router::new();6364 // Add as many routes as your Worker needs! Each route will get a `A;Request`A; for handling HTTP65 // functionality and a `A;RouteContext`A; which you can use to and get route parameters and66 // Environment bindings like KV Stores, Durable Objects, Secrets, and Variables.67 router68 .options("/verify", |req, ctx| {69 preflight_response(req.headers(), &ctx.var("CORS_ORIGIN")?.to_string())70 })71 .post_async("/verify", |mut req, ctx| async move {72 let data: CaptchaRequest = match req.json().await {73 Ok(res) => res,74 Err(_) => return Response::error("Bad request", 400),75 };76 let hcaptcha_sitekey = ctx.var("HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY")?.to_string();77 let hcaptcha_secretkey = ctx.var("HCAPTCHA_SECRETKEY")?.to_string();78 match verify_captcha(&data.response, &hcaptcha_secretkey, &hcaptcha_sitekey).await {79 Some(value) => {80 if value {81 // you would proceed with request here82 console_log!("User verified");83 }84 // We don't let the user know we think they are a bot if verify failed85 Response::ok("Have a great day!")86 }87 // something went wrong - we don't know if the user is a bot or not88 None => Response::error("Error verifying user", 400),89 }90 })91 .run(req, env)92 .await93 }
Here you see we created a route with code for handling a POST
request (we will look at the OPTIONS
part in
a moment). We expect to receive a JSON object from our client, which looks like
{"response": "10000000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-000000000001"}
in line 72
is a struct analogous to the one we created for the hCaptcha response earlier.
For a real-world app, we might receive form data along with the response
field from the client. In lines 76
– 77
, we access secret
variables which we need to identify and authenticate ourselves with hCatpcha.
Let’s define these now. You can set up a free hCaptcha site to get valid credentials .
Handling Secrets #
At the command line, type this command to store a secret variable in our worker’s environment:
wrangler secret put HCAPTCHA_SITEKEY
You will get a prompt to type in the value. Repeat for HCAPTCHA_SECRETKEY
. Finally, add a CORS_ORIGIN
string. This will
be a comma separated list of allowed origins. If you are testing and your client
dev server is at
and you
want to test staging environment at https://example.com
, enter,https://example.com
. We will add the code for this shortly.
Now if you jump to the Cloudflare dashboard , you should see the Cloudflare logo top left. Click the dropdown just beside
it and select Workers. Next find the hcaptcha-serverless-rust-worker
, click it and open the Settings tab, you will see the secrets
have been saved.

CORS Preflight Response #
Because we will receive JSON on our endpoint, the client browser will likely
run a preflight CORS check . This will contact the same endpoint as the verify request itself, albeit
using the OPTIONS
method rather than POST
. We just need to respond back, with the CORS headers so that the browser
will proceed. Let’s add the code for this now and also add missing
parts, so we can wrap up.
Add use
statements for the crates we use (these
are the Rust equivalent of JavaScript import
1 use serde::Deserialize;2 use std::collections::HashMap;3 use worker::*;
Define the CaptchaRequest
struct (include client
data, for example form field entries in a real-world app):
17 #[derive(Deserialize)]18 struct CaptchaRequest {19 response: String,20 }
Finally, define the preflight_response
37 fn preflight_response(headers: &worker::Headers, cors_origin: &str) -> Result<Response> {38 let origin = match headers.get("Origin").unwrap() {39 Some(value) => value,40 None => return Response::empty(),41 };42 let mut headers = worker::Headers::new();43 headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type")?;44 headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST")?;45 headers.set("Vary", "Origin")?;4647 for origin_element in cors_origin.split(',') {48 if origin.eq(origin_element) {49 headers.set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", &origin)?;50 break;51 }52 }53 headers.set("Access-Control-Max-Age", "86400")?;54 Ok(Response::empty()55 .unwrap()56 .with_headers(headers)57 .with_status(204))58 }
This just lets the browser know which types of requests we are happy to receive.
💯 Testing #
When you are happy with dev performance, you can run the preview and publish commands to get your worker live:
wrangler previewwrangler publish

To test this all out, you will need to knock up a client app which sends the verify request to our worker. It sends this once it has a client response token from hCaptcha. In JavaScript, using fetch, the request to our worker might look something like this:
async function handleVerify() {try {if (browser) {const { response } = await hcaptcha.execute(hcaptchaWidgetID, {async: true,});const responsePromise = fetch(`${workerUrl}/verify`, {method: 'POST',credentials: 'omit',headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json',},body: JSON.stringify({response,}),});}} catch (error) {console.error(`Error in handleVerify: ${error}`);}}
See a full SvelteKit hCapthca example with a contact form.
🙌🏽 Wrapup #
In this post we saw:
- why you should consider using Rust Cloudflare Workers;
- creating the Rust worker from scratch; and
- how you might handle server user verification using hCaptcha, including responding to preflight CORS requests.
I hope you have found this useful. If it is your first time looking at Rust code, I hope you like it! Sorry there wasn’t time/space to explain more of the Rust code. I highly recommend you have a look at the Rust book . It is really well written and arguably the best way to get started in Rust. Let me know if you would like to see more posts on Rust generally or serverless Rust in particular.
You can use Rust in Netlify functions and in the AWS serverless sphere. I’m keen to hear how you are using Rust Cloudflare Workers in your own projects. Drop a comment below or mention @askRodney on Twitter .
The full code is on the Rodney Lab GitHub page .
Feedback #
Have you found the post useful? Which other hosting service would you like to know how to host a SvelteKit site on? Would you like to see posts on another topic instead? Get in touch with ideas for new posts. Also, if you like my writing style, get in touch if I can write some posts for your company site on a consultancy basis. Read on to find ways to get in touch, further below. If you want to support posts similar to this one and can spare a few dollars, euros or pounds, please consider supporting me through Buy me a Coffee.
☁️ Read why Cloudflare Workers are faster that other serverless solutions in this post
— Rodney (@askRodney) September 22, 2021
- see how you can code up workers using new native Rust support
- build an
@hCaptcha verify endpoint to try this all outhttps://t.co/NzSYSDmzaH #askRodney #rust #Serverless @Cloudflare
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