💅 Using Lightning CSS with Deno #
In this video, we see a watch script for running Lightning CSS with Deno. This Deno script:
- waits, watching for changes to your input CSS files;
- bundles input CSS into a single output file when inputs change; and
- transpiles and minifies the generated CSS.
We use esbuild and Lightning CSS together, to generate ready-to-ship CSS which will run in older browsers, even when you work with modern CSS features. Lightning CSS is written in Rust, and makes use of the servo browser code (also used in Firefox Browser) for parsing CSS.
You see some details on setting up the watch script, which will help you customize it to suit your own workflow. Although we work completely in Deno here (using Deno Fresh as the framework), the script will be just as handy working in Rust Leptos, and other non-JS web frameworks.
I hope it will be useful for you. You can drop a comment below or reach out for a chat on Element , as well as X @mention if you have suggestions for improvements or questions.
📹 Video #
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🗳 Poll #
🖥 Using Lightning CSS with Deno: Code #
Watch Script #
— click to expand code.
1 import { debounce } from "@std/async";2 import { relative, resolve } from "@std/path";3 import browserslist from "browserslist";4 import { build } from "esbuild/mod.js";5 import init, { browserslistToTargets, transform } from "lightningcss";67 const __dirname = resolve();8 const ignoreFiles = ["styles/main_bundled.css"];910 await init();11 console.log("Watching for updates...");1213 const targets = browserslistToTargets(14 browserslist(15 "> 0.5%, last 2 versions, Firefox >= 102, Firefox ESR, not dead",16 ),17 );1819 async function buildStyles(path: string) {20 try {21 const css = await Deno.readTextFile(path);22 const { code: outputCss } = transform({23 filename: path,24 code: new TextEncoder().encode(css),25 minify: true,26 targets,27 });2829 const outputDir = "./static";30 const outputPath = `${outputDir}/styles.css`;31 const decoder = new TextDecoder();32 try {33 await Deno.writeTextFile(outputPath, decoder.decode(outputCss));34 } catch (error: unknown) {35 if (error instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound) {36 await Deno.mkdir(outputDir, { recursive: true });37 await Deno.writeTextFile(outputPath, decoder.decode(outputCss));38 }39 throw error;40 }41 } catch (error: unknown) {42 console.error(`Error building styles for path ${path}: ${error as string}`);43 }44 }4546 async function bundleStyles() {47 try {48 await build({49 entryPoints: ["styles/main.css"],50 bundle: true,51 outfile: "styles/main_bundled.css",52 external: ["*.woff2"],53 });54 } catch (error: unknown) {55 console.error(`Error bundling styles: ${error as string}`);56 }57 }5859 const debouncedUpdateStyles = debounce(async (path: string) => {60 const relativePath = relative(__dirname, path);6162 if (!ignoreFiles.includes(relativePath)) {63 await bundleStyles();64 await buildStyles("styles/main_bundled.css");65 console.log("Updated static/styles.css");66 }67 }, 200);6869 const watcher = Deno.watchFs(["./styles"]);70 for await (const event of watcher) {71 const { paths } = event;72 paths.forEach((path) => {73 debouncedUpdateStyles(path);74 });75 }
Running Watch Script #
In a new Terminal tab, run:
deno task watch:css
🔗 Links #
- GitHub repo with full project code
- Trying out Leptos post
- esbuild docs
- Lightning CSS docs
- Why switch to OK LCH colours
- Element chat: #Rodney matrix chat
- X handle: @askRodney
🙏🏽 Feedback #
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Just dropped a new video on ⚡️ Lightning CSS using:
— Rodney (@askRodney) October 13, 2023
— Deno watchFS, to watch for input CSS changes;
— esbuild to bundle
@import source into a single file; and
— Lightning CSS to minify and add legacy browser support.
Hope you find it useful!#askRodneyhttps://t.co/4M4CHazdmb
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