Serverless Blog Posts # Serverless #

Rust Cloudflare Workers: Turnstile Example 🤖
Rust Cloudflare workers ☁️ Turnstile Captcha example of using serverless 🦀 Rust WASM with wrangler on the Cloudflare worker platform.
Getting Started with Rust Cloudflare Workers
Getting started with Rust Cloudflare Workers: how you can build your first serverless Rust app including REST requests and sending email.
Rust CI Tooling: Clippy, commitlint, pre-commit and More
Rust CI tooling: how you use can Clippy, commitlint, commitizen, rustfmt and pre-commit in your Rust project with conventional commits.
Mux Serverless Webhook Updates using Telegram Bots
Mux serverless webhook: how you can use Rust Cloudflare Workers to listen for Mux status updates, authenticate and ping you Telegram alerts.
Astro Landing Page Form: Netlify Serverless Contact Form
Astro landing page contact form: how to use Netlify serverless functions with Telegram bots to add a contact form to your Astro landing page.
Cloudflare Developer Challenge: Adding Rust to SvelteKit
Cloudflare Developer Challenge: using SvelteKit, Rust and my other favourites like vanilla-extract and workers, to create an API as a service.
SvelteKit hCaptcha Contact Form: Keeping Bots Away
SvelteKit hCaptcha contact form: see how you can scare bots away from your Svelte site using a privacy focussed captcha service.
Using Rust Cloudflare Workers: Serverless hCaptcha
Using Rust Cloudflare Workers: how to run fast and secure Rust code from a Cloudflare Worker endpoint - hCaptcha serverless function example.
Using Netlify Functions with SvelteKit
Using Netlify Functions with SvelteKit: learn how you can continue using your existing Netlify functions when you move your site to SvelteKit.
Add Data into Gatsby GraphQL: Webmentions Example
Add data into Gatsby GraphQL: using Webmentions as an example we see how you can pull in external data and access it via GraphQL in your app.
Accessible Text on Images: Nail the Contrast Ratio
Accessible Text on Images: place your text on a semi-transparent background overlay but what alpha do you need for the text to be accessible?
Gatsby Functions on Netlify: Telegram Contact Form Bot
Gatsby Functions on Netlify: create a Telegram Bot to message you when someone uses your site contact form using Gatsby Functions on Netlify.
Gatsby Cloud Functions reCAPTCHA: Build a Contact Form
Gatsby cloud functions reCAPTCHA: build a site contact form using brand new serverless Gatsby Cloud functions and the new invisible captcha.