🖥 SvelteKit Session Cookies: HttpOnly Cookies in SvelteKit #
In this video, we look at using SvelteKit Session Cookies, continuing the series of videos which also covers Session Storage and Local Storage. We focus particularly on HttpOnly cookies which can be more secure than other cookies. That is because JavaScript code running in the browser has no access to them. The main benefit here is a decreased attack surface for Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. In the video, we see how you might consider setting up a SvelteKit app where you need users to authenticate. We also see how you can expose client-safe fields stored in cookies to browser JavaScript using SvelteKit sessions.
If that sounds like something you can use, let's press play and crack on!
📹 SvelteKit Session Cookie: Video #
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🗳 Poll #
🖥 SvelteKit Session Cookie: Code Examples #
Clone the repo and play around a little to get a better feel for how it works. Link below.
Checking HTTPOnly Cookie for a User Session #
1 import { redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';2 import type { LayoutServerLoad } from './$types';34 export const load: LayoutServerLoad = async function load({ cookies }) {5 const session = cookies.get('session');67 if (!session) {8 throw redirect(303, '/login');9 }1011 const { email } = JSON.parse(session);12 if (!email) {13 throw redirect(303, '/login');14 }1516 return {};17 };
Create Cookie Utility Function #
1 import { Temporal } from '@js-temporal/polyfill';2 import type { Cookies } from '@sveltejs/kit';34 export function createSession(cookies: Cookies) {5 const sessionID = crypto.randomUUID();6 cookies.set('session', JSON.stringify({ sessionID }), {7 path: '/',8 expires: new Date(Temporal.Now.plainDateTimeISO().add({ hours: 2 }).toString()),9 sameSite: 'lax',10 httpOnly: true11 });12 }
Logging Out: Deleting the HTTPOnly Cookie #
1 import { redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';2 import type { Actions } from './$types';34 export const actions: Actions = {5 logout: ({ cookies }) => {6 const session = cookies.get('session');7 if (session) {8 cookies.delete('session', { path: '/' });9 }10 throw redirect(303, '/');11 }12 };
🔗 SvelteKit Session Storage: Links #
- Using Local storage with SvelteKit
- Using Session storage with SvelteKit,
- Open full demo code repo on GitHub
- MDN Set-Cookie docs ,
- OWASP HttpOnly information .
🏁 SvelteKit Session Cookies: Summary #
What is an HttpOnly Cookie? #
- Http only cookies, unlike Session Storage and Local Storage cannot be read by JavaScript code running in the browser. This brings security benefits, making HttpOnly cookies a preferred choice in many applications.
How can you share data between the client and server in SvelteKit? #
- SvelteKit has a session store. Client routes can access it via a named import from $app/stores. Once imported, it can be read similarly to other stores. Session is not suitable for storing sensitive information.
How can sensitive information be sent from the server to the client in SvelteKit? #
- You can use HttpOnly cookies to send sensitive information, identifying a user or session, as well as session tokens. The client can send this data to the server with client requests, to process the sensitive data and respond with client-safe data. The server can access the data on the cookie, but client side JavaScript code cannot.
🙏🏽 Feedback #
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Just updated the video on using HTTP only session 🍪cookies in SvelteKit.
— Rodney (@askRodney) June 30, 2023
We see a couple of traps to avoid, using a skeleton app, where users need an account to see their console. Full code on GitHub.
Hope you find it useful!
#learnsvelte #askRodneyhttps://t.co/A7Xwj8f1ox
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