💄 SvelteKit PostCSS Tutorial: the CSS Future, Now #
In this SvelteKit PostCSS tutorial, we have a look at how you can use next-gen CSS today in your Svelte project. As well as opening up access to future CSS, the rich PostCSS plugin ecosystem brings you prefixes for legacy browser support and CSS optimization, among a host of other features. In this video tutorial, we also see how you can set up PostCSS and start using those features. We also have a close look at custom media queries, which can help make your CSS code more robust, while improving developer experience.
If that sounds like a productivity boost you’d sign up for, then get your typing fingers warmed up and hit play on the tutorial.
📹 SvelteKit PostCSS Tutorial: Video #
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🖥 Code #
PostCSS Package and Plugin Install #
pnpm add -D @csstools/postcss-global-data autoprefixer \postcss postcss-csso postcss-preset-env svelte-preprocess
PostCSS Config #
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');const postcssPresetEnv = require('postcss-preset-env');const csso = require('postcss-csso');const postcssGlobalData = require('@csstools/postcss-global-data');const config = {plugins: [postcssGlobalData({files: ['src/lib/styles/custom-media-queries.css']}),postcssPresetEnv({stage: 3,features: {'nesting-rules': true,'custom-media-queries': true,'media-query-ranges': true}}),autoprefixer(),csso()]};module.exports = config;
SvelteKit Config #
1 import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto';2 import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';3 import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';45 /** @type {import('@sveltejs/kit').Config} */6 const config = {7 // Consult https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/integrations#preprocessors8 // for more information about preprocessors9 preprocess: [vitePreprocess(), preprocess()],1011 kit: {12 // adapter-auto only supports some environments, see https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapter-auto for a list.13 // If your environment is not supported or you settled on a specific environment, switch out the adapter.14 // See https://kit.svelte.dev/docs/adapters for more information about adapters.15 adapter: adapter()16 }17 };1819 export default config;
SvelteKit Custom Media Query with PostCSS Usage #
1 @custom-media --desktop-device screen and (width > 768px);
1 <!-- ...TRUNCATED -->23 <style lang="postcss">4 @media (--desktop-device) {5 main {6 width: min(var(--max-width-full) - var(--spacing-24), var(--max-width-wrapper));7 margin: var(--spacing-6) auto var(--spacing-24);8 }9 }10 </style>
🔗 Links #
- Play the Sqvuably game
- PostCSS Preset Env supported features
- What’s New in CSS and UI
- Element chat: #rodney matrix chat
- Twitter handle: @askRodney
🏁 SvelteKit PostCSS Tutorial: Summary #
How do you add PostCSS to a SvelteKit project? #
- SvelteKit gets PostCSS support through svelte-preprocess and vitePreprocess. As a first step, update your `svelte.config.js` file adding two imports: `import { vitePreprocess } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte';` and `import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess';`. Then, in the same file, set config.preprocess to `[vitePreprocess(), preprocess()]`. Next, add postcss and any PostCSS plugins you want to use, as dev dependencies. Finally, create a regular `postcss.config.cjs` file in the root directory of your project.
How can I use future CSS with SvelteKit? #
- You can use future CSS, such as custom media queries and media query ranges today, with SvelteKit. To get going, set up PostCSS in your project. Next, add the `postcss-preset-env` plugin as a project dev dependency. Finally, update your `postcss.config.cjs` file to use the plugin. As configuration options (for postcss-preset-env), you might want to set stage 3 and add some features like nesting rules, custom media queries and media query ranges. For a full list of features, see the postcss-preset-env GitHub repo.
How can you use custom media queries in Svelte style blocks? #
- Even if you set up custom-media-queries in PostCSS, using postcss-preset-env. You might not get custom media queries working. Custom media queries is a CSS proposal which lets you define a media query once, attaching it to an identifier, then being able to use that identifier (`--desktop-device`, for example), instead of the full media query throughout your code base. To use the queries, in SvelteKit, first define them in a `src/lib/styles/custom-media-queries.css` file. Then, add the `@csstools/postcss-global-data` to your PostCSS config file. Finally, set that plugin’s options (before custom-media-queries) to `{ files: ['src/lib/styles/custom-media-queries.css'] }`. Remember to include `lang="postcss"` on your style tags in `.svelte` files, and you will now have access to custom media queries you set in `custom-media-queries.css`.
🙏🏽 Feedback #
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Just dropped a post on setting up PostCSS with SvelteKit, letting you use 🥏 future CSS now.
— Rodney (@askRodney) June 2, 2023
We see that custom-media-queries setup and more in the tutorial.
Hope you find it useful!
#askRodney #futureCSS https://t.co/79YHYujeHI
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