🔥 SvelteKit WebP Background Image with Fallback #
A SvelteKit Next-Gen background image is not too difficult to generate. In this video, we clarify
what we are talking about by Next-Gen background images. Then we see how you can use the vite-imagetools
plugin automatically to generate WebP background images for you. These have the advantage of being
smaller than less cutting-edge formats such as JPEG and PNG. The upshot is the page loads faster, users
get a better experience, and Google becomes more comfortable ranking your site higher.
We are talking about an image that you set as the background of a DOM element using CSS. The trickiest part here is not creating the modern format image, but making sure a fallback JPEG is shown in browsers which don't yet support Next-Gen formats.
If you are looking for how to add responsive, Next-Gen images as img
or picture
elements, then you should certainly check out the recent article which covers exactly that.
📹 SvelteKit Next‑Gen Background Image: Video #
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🖥 Code #
Configure vite‑imagetools
— click to expand code.
1 import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';2 import { imagetools } from 'vite-imagetools';3 import { defineConfig } from 'vite';45 /** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */6 export default defineConfig({7 css: {8 preprocessorOptions: {9 scss: {10 additionalData: "@use 'variables.scss';",11 loadPaths: ['src/lib/styles'],12 },13 },14 },15 plugins: [sveltekit(), imagetools()],16 });
SvelteKit Next‑Gen Background Image Svelte Code #
— click to expand code.
1 <script>2 import { browser } from '$app/environment';3 import backgroundImage from '$lib/assets/sunflower.jpg';4 import backgroundImageWebp from '$lib/assets/sunflower.jpg?format=webp';56 function serveWebp() {7 return browser && document.documentElement.classList.contains('webp');8 }910 let backgroundImageUsed = $derived(serveWebp() ? backgroundImageWebp : backgroundImage);11 </script>1213 <svelte:head>14 <title>Sunflower Poem</title>15 <meta name="description" content="A poem about sunflowers" />16 <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffdf00" />17 <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/icons/icon-192x192.png" />18 <script19 async20 integrity="sha384-xms8Nhw0czGEIWf0BZpCsaCY9PPeFf6bJ6cG0CNYoVvDK3M0146DNIywperKRSNI"21 src="/modernizr-webp.js"22 ></script>23 </svelte:head>2425 <div class="container" style:background-image={`url(${backgroundImageUsed})`}>26 <div class="panel">27 <div class="content">28 <h1>The Soul of the Sunflower</h1>29 <h2>by Sara Jewett</h2>30 <blockquote>31 <p>The warm sun kissed the earth</p>32 <p>To consecrate thy birth,</p>33 <p>And from his close embrace</p>34 <p>Thy radiant face</p>35 <p>Sprang into sight,</p>36 <p>A blossoming delight.</p>37 </blockquote>38 </div>39 </div>40 </div>4142 <style lang="scss">43 .container {44 display: flex;45 background-color: variables.$color-theme-2;46 background-position: center center;47 background-size: cover;48 width: 100%;49 min-height: 100vh;50 padding: variables.$spacing-12;51 }5253 .panel {54 background: rgba(variables.$color-theme-3, variables.$alpha: 0.81);55 box-shadow: variables.$spacing-0 variables.$spacing-0 variables.$spacing-1 variables.$spacing-056 variables.$color-theme-4;57 border-radius: variables.$spacing-4;58 color: #502419;59 margin: auto;60 padding: variables.$spacing-6 variables.$spacing-24;61 height: 100%;62 }6364 .content {65 padding: variables.$spacing-4;66 }6768 h1,69 h2,70 p {71 font-family:72 Playfair Display,73 Times New Roman,74 Times,75 serif;76 }77 p {78 font-weight: variables.$font-weight-bold;79 font-family:80 Lato,81 Playfair Display,82 Times New Roman,83 Times,84 serif;85 font-size: variables.$font-size-2;86 }87 </style>
You can see the full code for creating a SvelteKit Next-Gen background image on the Rodney Lab Git Hub repo .
🗳 Poll #
🔗 SvelteKit Next‑Gen Background Image: Links #
- How to set up a Progressive Web App (PWA) in SvelteKit
- About WebP Images
- Core Web Vitals
- Modernizr WebP JavaScript snippet download
- MDN Subresource Integrity Docs
🙏🏽 SvelteKit Next‑Gen Background Image: Feedback #
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