🌟 How to Spin up a PostgreSQL Development Server with Supabase CLI #
There are several reasons you might want to create local PostgreSQL databases. You might be trying out Prisma (as suggested in this video). Alternatively, you might need a local development database for an API you are building. Whatever your reason, you will see it can be pretty quick to create local PostgreSQL databases using Supabase CLI.
An alternative is Docker Compose, though you will see Supabase uses this method, behind the scenes, saving you having to create the docker-compose.yml file. Anyway, let’s crack on and see just how we can do the magic.
📹 Create Local PostgreSQL Databases: Video #
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🖥 Code #
Installing Docker #
You need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine to run Supabase CLI.
# macOSbrew install dockerdocker --versiondocker-compose --version
For Linux, there are detailed instructions on the Docker site . You can see additional macOS installation instructions on the Docker site . There are also Windows Docker installation instructions there.
Installing Supabase CLI #
One-off Supabase setup:
pnpm add -g supabase
Spinning up a Local PostgreSQL Database #
In your project folder, just run these two commands:
supabase initsupabase start
🗳 Poll #
🔗 Create Local PostgreSQL Databases: Links #
🙏🏽 Feedback #
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